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Scandinavian Interests

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Se paa Jesus:
                        Tanker og Suk ved Naadestolen - Norwegian Daily

Se paa Jesus: Tanker og Suk ved Naadestolen - Norwegian Daily Prayers

Item BOC1827
Bengt Berg 1927
                        De sidste ørne- The Last Eagles, Swedish

Gunnar; A Tale of Norse Life by Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen 1880s

Item BOC1212
Swedish Folk Art; All Tradition is Change
                        by Barbro Klein 1994

Swedish Folk Art; All Tradition is Change by Barbro Klein 1994

Item BOC511
Farming med hoved og haender, eller
                        Praktisk veiledning for Farmeren Norwegian -

Farming med hoved og haender, eller Praktisk veiledning for Farmeren Norwegian - 1885

Item # BOC1797
                        Norwegian: Recipes, Festivals and Folk Arts

Notably Norwegian: Recipes, Festivals and Folk Arts 1982

Item BOC1156
Bengt Berg 1927 De sidste ørne- The Last
                        Eagles, Swedish Ornithology

Bengt Berg 1927 De sidste ørne- The Last Eagles, Swedish Ornithology

Item BOC786

                        1972 (The Aquarium of Women) by Bjørg Vik

Kvinne-akvariet 1972 (The Aquarium of Women) by Bjørg Vik - Norwegian Short stories

Item # BOC2330
Guttorm Hansen; Arti å hør det læll and Å
                        sånt ska styr bygda - 2 Norwegian Books

Guttorm Hansen; Arti å hør det læll and Å sånt ska styr bygda - 2 Norwegian Books

Item # BOC335
Festskrift til den Norske Synodes
                        Jubilaeum. 1853-1903

Festskrift til den Norske Synodes Jubilaeum. 1853-1903

Item #boc376
Swedish; Spännande berättelser från
                        japansk-ryska kriget 1905

Swedish; Spännande berättelser från japansk-ryska kriget 1905

Item BOC894
Remedies and Rituals; Folk Medicine in
                        Norway and the New Land, Kathleen Stokker

Remedies and Rituals; Folk Medicine in Norway and the New Land, Kathleen Stokker

Item BOC2322
Prarieblomman Kalender for 1909 by Tionde
                        Argangen Swedish Calendar

Prarieblomman Kalender for 1909 by Tionde Argangen Swedish Calendar

Item BOC286
Jerv: (jervere, jervest?) : en norsk, og
                        dermed tragisk, romansyklus 1983

Jerv: (jervere, jervest?) : en norsk, og dermed tragisk, romansyklus 1983 -- A Norwegian, and thus tragic, romance cycle

Item BOC1615
Alliansmissionens tjugofemårsminnen
                        1891-1916 / Josephine Princell

Alliansmissionens tjugofemårsminnen 1891-1916 / Josephine Princell

Item BOC152
1993 Ved kilden
                        Norwegian Poetry & Art Kirsti Birkeland

1993 Ved kilden Norwegian Poetry & Art Kirsti Birkeland

Item BOC1385
1903 Per Kjolseth, by Gulbrand Hagen -
                        Crookston, Minnesota: Vesterheimen Norwegian

1903 Per Kjolseth, by Gulbrand Hagen - Crookston, Minnesota: Vesterheimen

Item BOC1096
History of the
                        Norwegian People in America 1925 by O.M. Norlie

History of the Norwegian People in America 1925 by O.M. Norlie

Modern Norway:
                        Our resources, 7 volumes. Det moderne Norge

Modern Norway: Our resources, 7 volumes. Det moderne Norge

Item BOC1750

Den Lille Salmonsen, Volume 6: 1939
                        Encyclopedia, Danish

Den Lille Salmonsen, Volume 6: 1939 Encyclopedia, Danish

Item BOC690

Spy Thriller
                        'Muldvarpen' The Mole Norwegian - Novel by John
                        le Carré

Spy Thriller 'Muldvarpen' The Mole Norwegian - Novel by John le Carré


The History of Norway in the foundations by
                        Trygve Vik 1949 Norges Historie i grunndrag

The History of Norway in the foundations by Trygve Vik 1949 Norges Historie i grunndrag

Item #BOC1550
åter I Sverige bilder och minnen Swedish
                        1898 by Carl Swensson

åter I Sverige bilder och minnen Swedish 1898 by Carl Swensson

Item BOC179
Kong Olavs ferd til Østerland 1965 by Odd

Kong Olavs ferd til Østerland 1965 by Odd Medbøe

Item #BOC1582

Landflyktig 1945 by Knut Wigert Norwegian

Landflyktig 1945 by Knut Wigert Norwegian WWII

Item # BOC1578
Skogsblommor (4) Swedish Illustrated
                        Calendar books ~ 1913 thru 1916

Skogsblommor (4) Swedish Illustrated Calendar books ~ 1913 thru 1916

Item BOC272
Högmässopredikningar by Theodor Wallerius

Högmässopredikningar by Theodor Wallerius 1898

Item BOC704
Og Gud sa 1979 Bent L. Hansen and Flemming

Og Gud sa  1979 Bent L. Hansen and Flemming Walsoe

Item BOC1386
Scandinavia by Franklin D. Scott 1980

Scandinavia by Franklin D. Scott 1980

Item BOC2404
Hjallis Forteller
                        Tronderhistorier by Hjalmar Andersen 1991 -
                        Norwegian Joke Book

Hjallis Forteller Tronderhistorier by Hjalmar Andersen 1991 - Norwegian Joke Book

Item BOC1332
Spionfamilien by
                        Kjell Fjortoft 1986 - Norwegian, WWII Story

Spionfamilien by Kjell Fjortoft 1986 - Norwegian, WWII Story

Item BOC2331
Nya färder i Amerikas Förenta stater; New
                        Journeys in the United States Paul Waldenström
                        1902 Swedish

Nya färder i Amerikas Förenta stater; New Journeys in the United States Paul Waldenström 1902 Swedish

Item BOC387

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