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              bookstore in the north woods | Rare, Out-of-Print &
              Collectible Books

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Antiques & Collecting

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Pages 1

Petretti's Coca-Cola Collectibles Price
                        Guide 10TH Ed. 1997

Petretti's Coca-Cola Collectibles Price Guide 10TH Ed. 1997

Item BOC723
Coffee Antiques by Edward C Kvetko 2000
                        Collectors Book

Coffee Antiques by Edward C Kvetko 2000 Collectors Book

Item BOC864
Drug Store &
                        Soda Fountain Collector Book w Prices;

Drug Store & Soda Fountain Collector Book w Prices; Apothecary

Item BOC1069
Timeless Toys: Classic Toys and the
                        Playmakers Who Created Them 2004 by Tim Walsh

Timeless Toys: Classic Toys and the Playmakers, Signed by Author 2004 by Tim Walsh


Romantic Valentines: A Price Guide 1996 by
                        Dan and Pauline Campanelli

Teapots: The Collector's Guide to Selecting, Identifying, and Displaying by Tina M Carter

Item BOC628
Collector's Guide to new and vintage
                        Coca-Cola Memorabilia by Randy Schaeffer and
                        Bill Bateman 1995  

Collector's Guide to new and vintage Coca-Cola Memorabilia by R. Schaeffer and B. Bateman 1995

Item BOC224
Red Wing Art Pottery TWO; Including pottery
                        made for Rum Rill by Ray Reiss 2000 

Red Wing Art Pottery TWO; Including pottery made for Rum Rill by Ray Reiss 2000

Item BOC439
Antique Toy World Magazine 1994 Volume 24
                        No. 5 - Celluloid, Comic Toys, Banks

Antique Toy World Magazine 1994 Volume 24 No. 5 - Celluloid, Comic Toys, Banks

Item BOC591

Red Wing Art Pottery: Classic American
                        pottery from the 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s Ray

Red Wing Art Pottery: Classic American pottery from the 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s Ray Reiss

Item BOC477 
In Search of the Antique (Signed) by Thomas
                        Rohan 1927

In Search of the Antique (Signed) by Thomas Rohan 1927

Item BOC613
Collecting As a Pastime 1920 by Charles

Collecting As a Pastime 1920 by Charles Rowed

Item BOC297
Fenton Glass The Second Twenty-Five Years
                        1980 By William Heacock

Fenton Glass The Second Twenty-Five Years 1980 By William Heacock

Item BOC1443

Pages 1

Many of the titles we carry are antique and out of print. We strongly support local authors and unusual interests.  We are committed to diversity and the ability to serve our customers with hometown care.

The Book of Choice (Literary Speaking)

The Book of
                              Choice Literary Speaking
